WholesaleHer Accelerator

4 Week Course

The Advice, Tools & Resources you need to learn how to consistently close on Wholesale Real Estate Transactions.

4 Weeks of Training

Weekly 60 Minute 1-on-1 Group Coaching Calls and Live Q & A!  Learn what's working (& not working). 

Wholesale Bootcamp

18 Modules of training, join our Step-by-Step Intensive Wholesaling Bootcamp training and lessons designed to get results if you "do the work"! You will  learn & understand not only investing in real estate - but finding success in real estate in any neighborhood.

Resources & Support

Live 24/7 support in our private community. Will provide support, resources and advice. 

Connect with other emerging investors in different markets to learn from and do deals with. 

Join WholesaleHer Accelerator Now!

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